Ann leaves for Paris/Juniper repairs

 From Clamecy, we all got on the train.  Ann is off to Paris, a day early as we didn't realize how disruptive May 1st would be in France.  It is Labor Day, and there are always lots of protest marches and strikes that can effect the train service.  Next time we are in the Spring we will be sure to have guests avoid May 1.  There are a lot of holidays in May.

Bill and I rode to Cravant, and then walked to the boat.  Missing Ann already.  She loves to travel and is a great champion of all things.  We hope she comes another year as well, when we can actually drive the canal boat more places.  Glad she got one day of travelling to see what it is like.  Ann had a good couple of days walking Paris.

Next order of affairs is to get Juniper back to running!  Trips into Auxerre on the train are quick.  We got the heat exchanger to Mike at Aquarelle, and he had it tested for us.  Not the problem luckily as they are hard to find.  We have an appointment with Boris, the mechanic for the next Tuesday as May 8th is Victory in Europe day, marking of the end of WWII.  So May 9th Boris set to fix the overheating problem spending half a day here.

We set off excitedly to the first lock on May 10th, and were overheating right after going through it.  Calls to Mike and agreed we would go slowly to Vermenton.  Took all day of stopping, cooling off, filling with water, stopping, etc.  Spent a nice evening in Vermenton and Mike and Boris arrived first thing in the morning.  We checked Juniper while in gear and determined that the lines which send water to the hot water tank to heat while running are the culprits.  So, disconnected those and off we went without a hitch!  Headed to Mailly la Ville for the night.  At last we are on the canals again.

On the canal again!

Mailly La Ville
In the Locks!


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