2023 Adventures

 Back again to the canal boat after six months away.  When the rotations between Fall and Spring are closer than the other rotations.  

We arrived in Paris with our friend Ann Beck, had an overnight and a morning to walk around the Latin Quarter.  Saw gardens, Notre Dame continuing to be repaired, and enjoyed a sunny spring day.  Train to Auxerre that afternoon and check on Juniper. 

Staying in an Airbnb for two nights while we get Juniper ready and stock up at the store. We got a new hot water heater over the winter that looks good.  Ann, Bill and I did a lot of scrubbing and organizing.

Auxerre exploring with Ann after we got Juniper cleaned up.  Such a beautiful city. We had a good dinner at a Couscous restaurant and discovered Meurgesy sausages! Lots of citron desserts and croissants, as well as good bread and pates, cheese, and wine.  A good time was had by all!  


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