Clamecy and environs

 We headed back into Clamecy with Connie and David.  Got our usual spot to tie up in the marina.  Such a nice place to visit.  Took a walk to the Cathedral, and the medieval walkways, the wooden houses from those times, the Chocolatier!, and the bakery.  

The Church is a special place to sit in, and we enjoyed the gothic architecture.  Elaborate on the outside and the inside. We went to the Musee de Clamecy as well, which is extensive and very well presented.  It has many different exhibits of art and archeology.  Really enjoyed it even the second time. 

Had a beer sitting outdoors at a bar, and watched people going by.  Enjoyed the town and sitting up top in the sunshine.

The next day they all made a trip to the bakery as I walked up to the Le Clerc store a couple of kilometers away.  Picked up a rental car for the next few days.  We all went together to Vezelay which has a historic Church that is a UNESCO heritage site.  You park the car and then walk up a hill lined with shops.  This is also a part of the Camino de Santiago in France.  Seeing the clam shells in the street, and a refuge at the top of the hill.

Looking at the Church of Mary Magdelene, and going inside was very inspiring.  It felt like a thin place to me, where one can feel the presence of the Divine.  Sitting in there and walking through the vastness one can imagine the history it holds.  We wandered through the gardens and took in the views.  All agreed that it was the most beautiful Church we had ever been in; with the white stone and expansiveness.

In the crypt, below the Church are the bones of Mary Magdelene.  There is a tablet and a pen where you can write your petitions to her and put it in a little bowl.  That was a special place regardless of whether the bones are truly hers.  (some debate about that).

We found a fun souvenir annd had a nice lunch at an outdoor cafe.  Drove back to Clamecy and went out to a special dinner at the Hostellerie de la Poste close by to Juniper. A wonderful French meal to end our day.

Next day we drove Connie and David to the Gare de Clamecy for their trip back to Paris.

Photos in the next post.

Along the canal with cows.
A painted building along the canal.


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