Renting a car and off on more kinds of adventures. We rented a car in Auxerre, a bit of an adventure in driving as I haven't driven a manual transmission much in the last decades. Learned to drive one originally. Got into it after a few miles. Drove to an interesting site called Geudelon. They are building a castle using only the tools and techniques from the 13th century. Fascinating, and changes the way you look at buildings that are standing from that time period. They fashion the tools, chip away at the rock, make the tiles, everything. They let you climb all around on it and watch them at work. Also, various sites with other tasks of the times: baskets, dyeing fabrics, carpentry, wagons, etc. It was a bit like Williamsburg that we went to in March in that they show you how life was at that time. After that we went to Chablis. Lovely town and nice to walk around in. Bought a couple of bottles of wine...